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Michelin CrossClimate+

Pneumatiky navrhnuté tak, aby vám pri každodennom jazdení poskytovali bezpečnosť a bezstarostnosť bez ohľadu na poveternostné podmienky
Vyrobená pre dlhotrvajúcu bezpečnosť za každého počasia.
MICHELIN CrossClimate +, najpredávanejšia celoročná pneumatika v Európe (7), bola vyvinutá pre vynikajúcu dlhotrvajúcu bezpečnosť a dlhú životnosť v každom počasí  (1)(2)(3). 
  • Celoročná cestná pneumatika zaisťujúca vysokú úroveň bezpečnosti v každom počasí
  • Vynikajúca priľnavosť na suchom i mokrom povrchu (2)(3)
  • Vynikajúca bezpečnosť a záber na snehu s certifikáciou na použitie v zime (3PMSF) (4)
  • Veľmi dlhá životnosť vďaka dlhotrvajúcim výkonom (1) a vysokému kilometrovému výkonu (5)

Hlavné výhody pre Pneumatika CrossClimate+

Vynikajúci brzdný výkon za sucha i za mokra pre bezpečnú a bezstarostnú jazdu po celý rok (2)(3)
Špeciálne tuhé dezénové bloky so skosenými hranami optimalizujú priľnavosť a brzdný výkon na suchej vozovke. Inovatívna pružná zmes gumy zaisťuje maximálnu priľnavosť k mokrému povrchu bez ohľadu na okolitú teplotu. Pneumatika tak vám i vašim spolucestujúcim zaisťuje bezstarostne bezpečnú a komfortnú jazdu. 


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Zverejnené dňa 24. februára 2024 autor G1nmh

Getting very noisy after 20k miles

I've generally been happy with these, but as they've aged (now 3 years 3 months, 24k miles) they seem to have got increasingly noisy at speeds over 50mph, and especially at motorway speeds. They were awful on French autoroutes in the summer. In general they've been very reassuring in winter and muddy (eg grassy car park) conditions. They do pick up stones as the tread is quite open.

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Vozidlo: VOLKSWAGEN Passat
Kúpte: 04. 11. 20
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk
Zverejnené dňa 18. novembra 2023 autor Brett000000
Odporúčam túto pneumatiku

Northern Minnesota approved

No longer have a commute so I sold my awd wagon and bought a Japanese subcompact. I immediately looked for new tires. Unfortunately CC2 is unavailable in the size I need for this car, but I found a set of CC ’s with a very recent date code for less than $400 shipped. I put them on last November and I’ve been satisfied with them. For the price I can’t complain at all. This region sees frigid cold in winter and these tires are actually usable. I’m certainly not driving out of town during a blizzard, but that’s my fault for my choice of car rather that of the tires. These excel, as advertised, in mild winter weather with excellent performance on fresh snow and slush. I only have about 7k miles on them so it should go without saying, but there’s zero wear. I’ve previously had Nokian WRG4’s and we just put some on my dad’s car, but only because they were on sale vs the CC2 cost. Having said that, we put the CC2’s on my parents’ SUV. I think I’m sold on the CC line.

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Kúpte: 17. 11. 22
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk
Zverejnené dňa 18. októbra 2023 autor jdkn3451
Odporúčam túto pneumatiku

4 years and 50000 miles and only 2 mm of tread gone

I installed my first cross climates 4 years ago, and after 4 years and 50000 miles I'm only replacing them with new cross climates as they're beginning to crack slightly due to their age! The tyres have always gripped including very wet, ice and snow and extreme heat!

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Kúpte: 01. 01. 20
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk
Zverejnené dňa 11. júna 2022 autor Anonymous
Odporúčam túto pneumatiku

Michelin Crossclimate

I Have A Toyota Yaris There Are Brilliant in Mud And Snow I Go Down A Muddy Field And Its Brilliant And Good In Sludge And Good For 4x4s And Hatchbacks And Good On Front Wheel Drive Cars And Good On Mud And Sand

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk
Zverejnené dňa 25. mája 2022 autor Anonymous


Purchased 4 x Cross Climates fitted Nov 18 - covered 21k in 3.5 years. Side walls have all cracked. I live in Cheshire not the Riveara ? There is no legal mention of this occurring to tyres WHY NOT ? low miles but used frequently. Only a five year test to be performed as advised by Michellin . "Performance that lasts allegedly, longevity , robustness" sales words used. Merc engineers advised me that not safe on my E class - I have been advised not to take my car to Germany Lorrach & use on autobahns. Whos paying the £600 to replace these failed tyres ? I await my litigation claim , mean while please note this is the first time in 40 years of driving Ive encountered this fault. Just heads up to others to avoid this mess either way. Honest impartial review. I do like the tyres safety , confidence level etc. Now all gone to cat turd.

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk